Intelligent Falling
There's been a lot of stuff recently about "Intelligent Design", the alternative to straight-forward evolution that is being promoted by American religious folks as an equally valid viewpoint that should be taught in grade school biology classes. As you might know, I'm terrifically interested in the theory of evolution, and realize that while it's the foundation of all modern biology, there are still quirks which remain controversial among biologists. So even though this Intelligent Design malarkey is a facade for getting a little bit of God into public schools, I still appreciate that it's asking important questions about evolution -- I myself sometimes wish I'd taken a different career path, one in which I'd be filling the gaps of knowledge about our evolutionary past. It's good to be reminded about the silliness of the movement behind Intelligent Design though, as I was in an article in this week's Onion about Intelligent Falling, the alternative to the theory of gravity.
And I'm back in the Netherlands after a short but fun trip to the States; we got to hang out in Cambridge and Boston with my friend Gary, and had a fun time in Akron for my sister's wedding. My girlfriend and I also joined my folks for an Indians game, my first in years, and despite some rain and bad Tribe pitching, it was nice to be back at Jacobs Field. I had a hot dog and got myself a new cap and my lady friend seemed to not object to her first baseball experience (although it was mainly the funky mustard that excited her, I think (understandably so -- you're missing out if you haven't had the stadium mustard in Cleveland -- I'm not kidding)).
When in Chicago, we debated going to a Cubs game, but couldn't really muster (heh) the enthousiasm and energy since neither of us are baseball fans. Regardless, Onno almost became a Cubs fan, for no reason I could discern execpt he thought the caps in a souvenir shop looked cool. He was really contemplating buying an expensive fitted cap for a team he doesn't know in a sport he's never watched. He was also taken with going around and saying "GO CUBS!" at random moments. I imagine that if we had actually gone to a game, he'd have been in the stands with a cap, foam finger and jersey, beer in one hand, hot dog in the other, screaming at the ump and the batters pulling strikes.
Heh -- funny that Onno got caught up in all the Cubbiness. Even better would be to shout out "Cubs WU!" randomly. There's a guy, a toothless emaciated old black man known as "Ronnie Wu-Wu", whose apparent profession is to hang out in the bleachers wearing a Cubs uniform and stoke up the crowd by walking around yelling "Cubs Wu! Cubs Wu! Cubs Wu!" Kind of a strange guy ... I don't know how he even gets into games, unless the club actually hires him to pump up the bleacher bums.
But anyway, you can see how it's easy to get sucked into local fandom ... especially easy in northern Chicago since the park is in a residential neighborhood. I recommend the old-timey looking Cubs hat with a white bear holding a bat (the one Mia has), and get the adjustable one with velcro in the back, it's cheaper. Then you'll be a cool Cubs fan!
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